

83 record(s)
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  • The geostatistical interpolation map shows in real time the most probable distribution of the pollutant fine particles (PM10) between the different fixed measurement points that make up the telemetric network of Luxembourg, this at a resolution of 1km2.

  • Entrepôts de déchets

  • The geostatistical interpolation map shows in real time the most probable distribution of the pollutant ozone between the different fixed measurement points that make up the telemetric network of Luxembourg, this at a resolution of 1km2.

  • The geostatistical interpolation map shows in real time the most probable distribution of the pollutant nitrogen dioxid between the different fixed measurement points that make up the telemetric network of Luxembourg, this at a resolution of 1km2.

  • Installations de biogas

  • Décharges déchets ménagers

  • The geostatistical interpolation map shows in real time the most probable distribution of the pollutant fine particles (PM2.5) between the different fixed measurement points that make up the telemetric network of Luxembourg, this at a resolution of 1km2.

  • Bruit des avions par jour et par heure, entre 2012 et 2018

  • The chemical status of the surface water bodies is assessed as being good or failing to achieve good chemical status. The assessment of the chemical status for the second river basin management plan is based on the list of substances of directive 2008/105/EC and the environmental quality standards established by the new directive 2013/39/EC.