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  • This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains major airports ≥ 50,000 air traffic movements per year that are defined under Directive 2002/49/EC.

  • Project for delimitating the winegrowing areas in Luxemburg. Version 2.3. (latest) Data not transformed into INSPIRE data model

  • This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains the population estimated according to the methodology of Directive 2002/49/EC for the defined agglomeration ≥ 100,000 inhabitants.

  • This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. Under article 15, discharges from urban waste water treatment plants have to be monitored to verify compliance with the emission control standards. Member States and Commission have jointly developed technical specifications for such reporting within WISE (Water Reporting System for Europe). Delivery process or content of this obligation overlaps with another reporting obligation ( This reporting obligation is an Eionet core data flow Reporting under this obligation is used for EEA Core set of indicators Delivery process is managed by EEA

  • Delimitation of the small winegrowing areas in Luxemburg Data not transformed into INSPIRE data model

  • This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. Under article 15, discharges from urban waste water treatment plants have to be monitored to verify compliance with the emission control standards. Member States and Commission have jointly developed technical specifications for such reporting within WISE (Water Reporting System for Europe). Delivery process or content of this obligation overlaps with another reporting obligation ( This reporting obligation is an Eionet core data flow Reporting under this obligation is used for EEA Core set of indicators Delivery process is managed by EEA

  • This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. Under article 15, discharges from urban waste water treatment plants have to be monitored to verify compliance with the emission control standards. Member States and Commission have jointly developed technical specifications for such reporting within WISE (Water Reporting System for Europe). Delivery process or content of this obligation overlaps with another reporting obligation ( This reporting obligation is an Eionet core data flow Reporting under this obligation is used for EEA Core set of indicators Delivery process is managed by EEA

  • This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains overall major roads ≥ 3 million vehicles per year that are defined under Directive 2002/49/EC.

  • This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains overall major railways ≥ 30,000 trains per year that are defined under Directive 2002/49/EC.

  • The LUGRID grid system has been designed by the National Museum of Natural History of Luxembourg to allow for biological grid based recording of species. It is based on LUREF reference frame and is based on a division along the x and y lines of the Gauss-Luxembourg coordinate system into four 100 km square areas LA, LB, LC, LD . Grids can have 10km, 1km, 0.1 km or 0.001 km sizes. The grids are written as follows: two letter symbols (LA, LB, LC or LD) two groups of equal amount of number symbols. The amount of number symbols in each group indicates the resolution of the grid: 1 number (eg. LC 3 4) -> 10km grid, 2 numbers (eg. LC 34 45) - >1 km grid, 3 (eg. LC 342 458) - > 0.1 km grid, 3 numbers (eg. LC 3429 4581 -> 0.01 km grid