

193 record(s)
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  • Industrial buildings harmonized according to INSPIRE and comming from the official carto-/topographic database (BD-L-TC). The BD-L-TC is a vector dataset at the scale 1:5000 which represents the earth surface's objects on the national territory, with attributes in german, french and english. The buildings are hereby represented as point geometry only. To obtain polygon geometries, refer the the Building INSPIRE theme.

  • This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the EU Directive 2012/18/EU (Seveso III). Facilities are classified into two categories: either lower-tier establishments or upper-tier establishments. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg currently has 9 lower-tier establishments and 9 upper-tier establishments. The "Inspection du travail et des mines", under the authority of the Minister responsible for Labor, performs technical missions to collect information, advise, monitor, inspect, coordinate and contact the authorities of the countries neighbors of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and of the European authorities, missions carried out on behalf of the above-mentioned minister as competent authority.

  • Daily pollen concentration data for 33 pollen types since Jan 1, 1992 in Luxembourg. The view service of this dataset support time requests. The different wms shows value of measurements at a precise timestamp.

  • This dataset contains the dams and weirs of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The dataset is structured according to the INSPIRE Annex I Theme - Hydrography, section "man-made objects". The data is derived from the "BD-L-TC" - datasets.

  • This dataset contains the maps of flood hazard of a flood with a return period of 10 years. The dataset is structured according to the INSPIRE Annex III Theme - Natural Risk Zones.

  • This data concern sites where residual sludge is deposited. The sludge originates from wastewater treatment plants treating domestic or urban wastewater and other wastewater treatment plants treating wastewater of a similar composition to domestic and urban wastewater, and residual sludge from septic tanks and other similar wastewater treatment plants.

  • This dataset contains the maps of flood hazard of an extreme flood. The dataset is structured according to the INSPIRE Annex III Theme - Natural Risk Zones.

  • This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Birds Directive 2009/147/EC for period 2008 - 2012. Article 12 requires Member States to report about the progress made with the implementation of the Birds Directive. The Commission in agreement with Member States has revised the reporting procedure in order to focus the reporting on data that inform about the status of bird populations, thereby streamlining the reporting with the reporting under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive. This reporting obligation is an Eionet core data flow Delivery process is managed by EEA See also:

  • This dataset contains the current Statistical Units of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. It represent the municipalities with a LAU2 code valid since 01-01-2024 until today. The dataset is structured according to the INSPIRE Annex III Theme - Statistical Units. The data has been derived from the "LIMADMIN" data.