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66 record(s)
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  • In the detailed programme of measures, the types of measures related to hydromorphology (HY) and urban wastewater management (SWW) which are defined in the catalogue of measures of the second river basin management plan, were assigned to the individual water bodies. The objective of this assignation is to identify for each water body those measures that will help to reduce the pressures and deficits present in the water body, thereby improving its status or maintaining its good status.

  • The Web Map Services (WMS) view service, giving view access to all harmonised datasets of the Luxembourg public administrations that are within scope of the INSPIRE Addresses theme.

  • The predefined dataset download links to all harmonised datasets of the Luxembourg public administrations that are within scope of the INSPIRE Energy Resources theme.

  • Décharges déchets ménagers

  • Focal points where there is a risk of flooding

  • The relatively quiet urban oases include public green areas and open spaces with a high quality of living space and an appropriate design as compensation areas within walking distance of residential and work locations. Due to their inner-city location, they do not, or do not completely, meet the above-mentioned criteria of a quiet area, e. g. by showing an increased noise level or being significantly lower. However, the urban planning context of the areas has noise-reducing properties, which lead to the fact that the urban oases in their core areas are considerably calmer than their surroundings. These areas make it possible, for example, to take short walks for those seeking peace and quietness in the immediate vicinity of their homes or workplaces.

  • In the detailed programme of measures, the types of measures related to hydromorphology (HY) and urban wastewater management (SWW) which are defined in the catalogue of measures of the second river basin management plan, were assigned to the individual water bodies. The objective of this assignation is to identify for each water body those measures that will help to reduce the pressures and deficits present in the water body, thereby improving its status or maintaining its good status. The hydromorphological measures include the improvement of the ecological continuity, the renaturation of water courses as well as the regulation of the minimal flow. Some hydromorphological types of measures can have a positive effect on the reduction of floods.

  • According to the water framework directive (Directive 2000/60/CE), the biological parameter fish are monitored in surface water bodies in order to determine the ecological status. Fish react sensitively to the continuity and the hydrological flow of surface water. Fish are therefor sampled in the SWB which have deficits here. The methodology applied for sampling is the standard NF EN 14962:2006 "water quality − guidance on the scope and selection of fish sampling methods".

  • Installations de compostage

  • Décharges de déchets inertes, de construction et de démolition