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  • Buildings of the cadastral map PCN. This dataset has been harmonized according to the INSPIRE theme "Buildings" data specification.

  • Buildings from the official carto-/topographic database (BD-L-TC). The BD-L-TC is a vector dataset at the scale 1:5000 which represents the earth surface's objects on the national territory, with attributes in german, french and english. This dataset has been harmonized according to the INSPIRE theme "Buildings" data specification. The data is from 2015.

  • This dataset contains the condominium between Luxembourg and Germany. The dataset is structured according to the INSPIRE Annex I Theme - Administrative Units. The data has been derived from the Cadastral database. The geometry is matched with the geometries of the administrative units in Luxembourg but not with those from Germany.

  • This dataset contains the buildings in 3D on the national territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg except the city of Luxembourg. The 3D buildings were made based on the aerial shots of summer 2020 (flight period: end of July, beginning of August and mid-September 2020; flight height: +/- 3500 m above the ground) by photogrammetric rendering of the roofs (QME in x, y and z ≤ 20 cm), followed by downward extrusion and texturing of the resulting 3D models of the buildings with the oblique shots. Only the roofs of buildings with a footprint greater than 20 m2 were entered, taking into account superstructures (e.g. dog-sitting) whose longest side exceeds 50 cm and which have a volume greater than 1 m3. The 3D buildings correspond to the LOD (Level of Detail) 2.2 classification. This dataset has been harmonized according to the INSPIRE theme "Buildings" data specification.

  • This dataset contains the cadastral parcels of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The dataset is structured according to the INSPIRE Annex I Theme - Cadastral Parcels. This data has been collected, updated and maintained over the last 200 years. In the 1990s, the paper data has been scanned, digitized and integrated to a single seamless vector dataset. The overall precision of the cadastral dataset is very heterogeneous. Newly measured data has a precision in the cm or submeter range, whereas old data can have an absolute precision of 10m.

  • This dataset contains the administrative units of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The dataset is structured according to the INSPIRE Annex I Theme - Administrative Units. The data has been derived from the Cadastral database and contains the shape of the country, the districts, the cantons and the municipalities.

  • This dataset contains the cadastral zoning of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The cadastral parcels in Luxembourg do have unique parcels numbers for a so-called cadastral section. Sections are unique subdivisions for a "cadastral municipality". There are 130 cadastral municipalities, which consist of the municipalities existing in the beginning of the 19th century, when the original cadastral surveyings and organisations took place. Today there are only 100 administrative municipalities in Luxembourg because, some municipalities have been merged at the administrative level.

  • This dataset contains the geographical names of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The dataset is structured according to the INSPIRE Annex I Theme - Geographical Names. The data has been derived from the Topographical databases "BD-LTC" and the Cadastral Database "PCN", according to the different Scale Levels.

  • The Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) is a reference database of the agriculture parcels used as a basis for area related payments to farmers in relation to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). These payments are (co)financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (‘EAGF’) and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (‘EAFRD’). To ensure that payments are regular, the CAP relies on the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS), a set of comprehensive administrative and on the spot checks on subsidy applications, which is managed by the Member States. The Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) is a key component of the IACS. It is an IT system based on ortho imagery (aerial or satellite photographs) which records all agricultural parcels in the Member States. It serves two main purposes: to clearly locate all eligible agricultural land contained within reference parcels and to calculate their maximum eligible area (MEA). The LPIS is used for cross checking during the administrative control procedures and as a basis for on the spot checks by the paying agency.

  • The Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) is a reference database of the agriculture parcels used as a basis for area related payments to farmers in relation to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). These payments are (co)financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (‘EAGF’) and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (‘EAFRD’). To ensure that payments are regular, the CAP relies on the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS), a set of comprehensive administrative and on the spot checks on subsidy applications, which is managed by the Member States. The Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) is a key component of the IACS. It is an IT system based on ortho imagery (aerial or satellite photographs) which records all agricultural parcels in the Member States. It serves two main purposes: to clearly locate all eligible agricultural land contained within reference parcels and to calculate their maximum eligible area (MEA). The LPIS is used for cross checking during the administrative control procedures and as a basis for on the spot checks by the paying agency.