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  • In february 2019, the ACT has executed a LIDAR flight for the whole country. Issued from the same flight, this aerial image (orthophoto) is primary for technical use. The pixel size is 20cm.

  • The chemical status of the surface water bodies is assessed as being good or failing to achieve good chemical status. The assessment of the chemical status for the second river basin management plan is based on the list of substances of directive 2008/105/EC as well as its environmental quality standards. The assessment without the ubiquist substances permita to get a differentiated picture of the actual situation.

  • Drinking water syndicates. Data transformed into INSPIRE data specifications on Protected Sites.

  • Quantitative Data from Different Groundwater locations The Data is provided ‘as-is’, without any guarantee of correctness. Punctual measurements of the Water sources flow Girst and Weissbach. The files in the compressed archive are Tab delimited text files, with ‘.’ as comma separator.

  • This dataset contains land cover data of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg from the European CorineLandCover 2006 survey. It has been harmonized according to INSPIRE

  • This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the following obligation: "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting". For operational purposes, the following obligations are part on the 2016 WFD RBMP reporting process: - "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Spatial data" - "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 RBDSUCA XML data" - "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 RBD XML data" This reporting obligation is an Eionet core data flow This dataset is one element of these.

  • This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. Under article 15, discharges from urban waste water treatment plants have to be monitored to verify compliance with the emission control standards. Member States and Commission have jointly developed technical specifications for such reporting within WISE (Water Reporting System for Europe). Delivery process or content of this obligation overlaps with another reporting obligation ( This reporting obligation is an Eionet core data flow Reporting under this obligation is used for EEA Core set of indicators Delivery process is managed by EEA

  • The chemical status of the surface water bodies is assessed as being good or failing to achieve good chemical status. The assessment of the chemical status for the second river basin management plan is based on the list of substances of directive 2008/105/EC as well as its environmental quality standards.

  • This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the following obligation: "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting". For operational purposes, the following obligations are part on the 2016 WFD RBMP reporting process: - "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Spatial data" - "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 RBDSUCA XML data" - "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 RBD XML data" This reporting obligation is an Eionet core data flow This dataset is one element of these.

  • This layer contains the official infrared orthophotos covering the national territory of Luxemburg, and that have been produced following a surveying flight in autumn 2007 under the responsibility of the administration du cadastre et de la topographie. The pixel size is 50cm.