
Environmental monitoring facilities

54 record(s)
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  • The predefined dataset download links to all harmonised datasets of the Luxembourg public administrations that are within scope of the INSPIRE Environmental Monitoring Facilities theme.

  • The Web Map Services (WMS) view service, giving view access to all harmonised datasets of the Luxembourg public administrations that are within scope of the INSPIRE Environmental Monitoring Facilities theme.

  • The chemical status of the surface water bodies is assessed as being good or failing to achieve good chemical status. The assessment of the chemical status for the second river basin management plan is based on the list of substances of directive 2008/105/EC and the environmental quality standards established by the new directive 2013/39/EC.

  • Phytoplancon is one of the 4 biological quality elements (BQE) for the assessment of the ecological status of the natural water bodies. The evaluation of this BQE is only relevant for the large rivers where the quantity of phytoplancton is significant and can be evaluated. The natural water bodies of typology VI present significant phytoplancton concentrations to allow an assessment. Some of the heavy modified waterbodies (HMWB) present significant phytoplancton concentrations too, these are the HMWB Sûre (WB III-2.2.1) and the HMWB Our (WB V-1.2). The annual frequency for phytoplancton monitoring is 6 samples between April and October.

  • The chemical status of the surface water bodies is assessed as being good or failing to achieve good chemical status. The assessment of the chemical status for the second river basin management plan is based on the list of substances of directive 2008/105/EC as well as its environmental quality standards.

  • The surface water typology was determined on the basis of geographical , geological, morphological and hydrological characteristics. The Luxembourgish surface water typology comprises six types. For all six types the reference conditions, which would be achieved if there were no anthropogenic pressures impacting surface waters, are described in fact sheets. The reference conditions correspond to the high status of surface water bodies.

  • The macroinvertebrates are sampled according to the French method IBGN ( indice biologique global normalisé , agences de l' eau 2000). The results allow to classify the surface water bodies into 5 classes : high - good - moderate - poor - bad. Macroinvertebrates are sensitive to the hydromorphology, organic pollution , biological continuity , water regime and acidification. The Macroinvertebrates are one out of four biological parameters of the ecological status of surface water.

  • The chemical status of the surface water bodies is assessed as being good or failing to achieve good chemical status. The assessment of the chemical status for the second river basin management plan is based on the list of substances of directive 2008/105/EC as well as its environmental quality standards. The assessment without the ubiquist substances permita to get a differentiated picture of the actual situation.

  • The WFD's quantitative status objectives aim to ensure a balance between groundwater withdrawal and recharge.