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The predefined dataset download links to all harmonised datasets of the Luxembourg public administrations that are within scope of the INSPIRE Human Health theme.
In the scope of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requiring countries and airports to provide electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD), the Administration de la navigation aérienne has been tasked by the Government to take the steps necessary to comply with this requirement. This Digital Surface Model (DSM) is the result of a first LIDAR survey flight that has been done in October 2017 and is of a higher resolution than required by ICAO, thus for general purpose, harmonied according to INSPIRE requirements. For this reason this DSM also uses the national reference systems LUREF and NGL. The data itself is split up in 4 different areas, which are specified as follows: Area 1: The entire territory of Luxembourg; Area 2: Terminal Control Area (this area is larger than the territory of Luxembourg); Area 3: Aerodrome movement area; Area 4: Category II or III operations (Runway 24).
The predefined dataset download links to all harmonised datasets of the Luxembourg public administrations that are within scope of the INSPIRE Buildings theme.
The predefined dataset download links to all harmonised datasets of the Luxembourg public administrations that are within scope of the INSPIRE CadastralParcels theme.
The predefined dataset download links to all harmonised datasets of the Luxembourg public administrations that are within scope of the INSPIRE Addresses theme.
The predefined dataset download links to all harmonised datasets of the Luxembourg public administrations that are within scope of the INSPIRE Protected Sites theme.
The Web Map Services (WMS) view service, giving view access to all harmonised datasets of the Luxembourg public administrations that are within scope of the INSPIRE Addresses theme.
This dataset contains the 2017 Digital Terrain Model of Luxembourg, with a resolution of 1 meter. It has been harmonized according to INSPIRE.
The predefined dataset download links to all harmonised datasets of the Luxembourg public administrations that are within scope of the INSPIRE SINSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units theme.
The predefined dataset download links to all harmonised datasets of the Luxembourg public administrations that are within scope of the INSPIRE Elevation theme.